Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Dog jumping barricade

Celine is training her dog to participate in a jumping show where the barricades height differs randomly. As the barricades are inclined, if the dog jumps X feet, it will be dragged down by Y feet due to its body weight until it balances and jumps again. Every day she trains her dogs to jump ‘N‘ such barricades. Help Celine by complete the program below which calculates the minimum number of jumps the dog needs to jump the barricades for D days.

Input Format:

The first line contains the value of D, which denotes the number of days the dog is trained. For each day, the first line contains the values of X, Y and N, with the values separated by a space and the second line contains the height of the N barricades separated by a space.

Output Format:

D lines containing the minimum jump required by the dog on each day from 1 to D.

Boundary Conditions: 2 <= D <= 15 1 <= N <= 20 X > Y

Example Input/Output 1:

10 2 4
5 14 19 22
4 1 5
6 9 11 4 6


The dog has been trained for 2 days.
First Day: X = 10, Y=2 and N - the number of barricades is 4.
So to jump first barricade of height 5 feet, it needs just 1 jump.
To jump second barricade of height 14 feet, it needs 2 jumps.
To jump third barricade of height 19 feet, it needs 3 jumps. (After first jump it is at 10-2 = 8 feet, second jump it is at 8+10-2 = 16 feet and in third it crossed the barricade).
To jump fourth barricade of height 22 feet, it needs 3 jumps.
Hence a total of 1+2+3+3 = 9 jumps are needed which is the output for Day 1. Similarly for the second day, the number of jumps required is 12.


z = int(input())
for _ in range(z):
    j,s,n = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
    a = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
    c = 0
    for i in range(n):
        k = 1
        d = j
        while d < a[i]:
            d = (d-s)+j
