A number N is passed as the input. The program must print the difference between the next immediate prime number and the previous immediate prime number. If the given number N itself is a prime number then print 0 (zero).
Input Format:
The first line will contain the value of the number N.
Output Format:
The difference between the next immediate prime number and the previous immediate prime number for N.
Example Input/Output 1:
Input: 14
Output: 4
Explanation: The next immediate prime number is 17. The previous immediate prime number is 13. Hence their difference = 17-13 = 4 is printed as output.
def prim3(n,a):
x = n
for i in
range(2,int((n/2) + 5)):
if n%i == 0
and a:
n -= 1
elif n%i == 0:
n += 1
return 0 if n == x
else n
n = int(input())